Our Pricing

**Fees may vary depending on the County Bar Standards, years searched, and complexity.**
$25 to $50 per name
Bankruptcy Search
$25 to $50 per name
$650 and up
Certified Full Abstract
$650 and up
Commercial Search Services
$75 to $1,500
Certificate of Good Standing
$75 to $1,500
$25 to $50
Corporate Tax Search (Franchise Taxes)
$25 to $50
$50 to $100 (If Frontier insured the residential closing, recording will be $25 per document)
Document Recording Services
$50 to $100 (If Frontier insured the residential closing, recording will be $25 per document)
$35 to $100 per name
Judgment & Lien Search
$35 to $100 per name
$150 to $750
Locate & Redate Abstract
$150 to $750
$150 to $350
Municipal Search
$150 to $350
$25 per name
Patriot Search
$25 per name
$200 to $550
REO Search
$200 to $550
$50 to $100 per name
State & Local UCC Search
$50 to $100 per name
$50 to $100 per name
Surrogate Search
$50 to $100 per name
$35 to $75 per parcel
Tax Search
$35 to $75 per parcel
$175 to $400
Title Search
$175 to $400
The Title Company may impose a charge for closing attendance, payable to the title company, under the following circumstances:
1) closing is in excess of two hours
2) closing extends beyond normal business hours
3) additional attendances are necessary
4) travel arrangements and distance warrant