Legal Forms


253 Affidavit An Affidavit to declare an exemption for a not-for-profit from additional Mortgage Tax.

255 Affidavit An Affidavit to confirm that a portion of the debt secured by a Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement (CEMA) for which the mortgage recording tax has already been paid, is exempt from Mortgage recording tax.

All Purpose Title Affidavit Affidavit to be signed by an Owner/Seller with firsthand knowledge of the status of real property.

Exemption Document Transfer Tax Affidavit Affidavit for Exemption for transfer tax when recording a Deed where the Grantor is a government agency and is exempt from transfer tax (Boroughs).

HEPTA Purchaser Affidavit Frontier Affidavit to be signed by a buyer of real property.

HEPTA Seller in Default Frontier Affidavit to be signed by a Seller at closing which advises purchaser they are in default or foreclosure at time of sale.

HEPTA Seller NOT in Default Frontier Affidavit to be signed by a Seller at closing which advises purchaser they are not in default at time of sale.

LLC Affidavit Affidavit to be signed by Member or Manager of an LLC to confirm the Articles of Organization and Operating Agreement of an LLC/LLP.

No Demand Affidavit An Affidavit to be signed by Seller/Owner where a prior mortgage is found in back title but there has been no attempt to enforce.

Owner/Mortgagor Affidavit Affidavit to be signed by Owner with first hand knowledge swearing that title is clear of liens an encumbrances, typically used in a Refinance.

Smoke Detector Affidavit Addendum For use in post-foreclosure sales or sales where a personal inspection of premises for a smoke detector is not permissible.

Vacancy Affidavit Affidavit stating that a property is vacant and there are no tenants or persons in possession, to be signed by a party with firsthand knowledge .

Helpful Resources

Attorney Guarantee Attorney Personal Guarantees that items not cleared at the time of closing will be paid from proceeds of sale.

Power of Attorney NYS Statutory Power of Attorney Form-Effective as of 6/13/2021.

Property Condition Disclosure Statement Statement which includes General Information, Environmental, Structural and Mechanical Systems and Services as to history of real property to be signed by the Owner/Seller of real property to be provided to a Buyer prior to closing.

The Legal Forms and Resources provided on this website are intended for general informational purposes only. No warranties, promises or representations of any kind are made as to the nature, standard, accuracy of the information on this website nor to the suitability or use of the information to your particular circumstances.  No information contained on this website should be construed as legal advice, nor shall the reader interpret this website as substitution for legal counsel. Please seek legal or professional counsel prior to using the legal forms provided on this website. Frontier Abstract assumes no liability for the inappropriate use of the forms by unauthorized individuals, nor for any irregularities that may appear therein.